Monday, 19 January 2015

The Spider Meltdown - How HOHs have an intense conversation without making sound

For those that don't personally know me, I am an arachnophobic. While losing more hearing or my baby girl are listed among my fears, the S thing really gives me the heebie jeebies.


The S word scares me. Even the thought of seeing one (dead or alive) or the sensation of one crawling on my skin leaves me absolutely petrified. I shall refer to it as "the thing".

My face as I imagine it probably looks like when it sees "the thing"!

Well, a few nights ago I had meltdown that occurred at 10:15pm. Just as my husband and I were retiring to bed, I discovered a HUGE thing (according to Curtis, the thing was medium sized). Nevertheless, it was bigger than I'd like it to be. Fortunately Curtis killed the thing for me, and unfortunately for me, he disposed the remains of the thing in the garbage bin. The garbage bin is RIGHT beside the toilet and I just CANNOT go to bed knowing that there's a thing in my house that hasn't been flushed. 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Anchors Aweigh! Our Cruise...

Happy New Year! (A little bit late, I admit. We have been stricken with coughs, colds and fevers in this household...)

Over our Christmas break, we took a 2-week Exotic Southern Caribbean cruise aboard Celebrity's Eclipse ship. What fun we had, though there were some interesting moments. First, we ate far too much for our own good, eating more than the recommended three meals a day; dinnertime was always a three course meal, and that didn't even stop me from going up to the 24 hr buffet to get a late night snack! Suffice to say, my body isn't quite so medium sized anymore (hello New Year's resolution! LOSE SOME WEIGHT).

Celebrity Eclipse! (From Celebrity's Website)