Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Please don't turn your back on me

Please don't turn your back on me.

No - I'm not indicating rejection (although, that could be construed as an innocent mistake...)

I'm talking about when you're talking to me, or to anyone who has a hearing loss. The last thing you want to do is turn their back on them.

I'm not referring to the notion giving up.
I'm not saying that we're being difficult.
I'm saying that we just can't understand what you're saying.

Most hard of hearing (HOH) people would agree with me on this point.  The seven most echoed words running through a HOH's head are:

Please don't turn your back on me.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Emma's Hearing Journey - Part Two

Last week, Emma’s Hearing Journey – Part1 was released. Today’s article follows up with Lisa’s struggle with the Canadian health system, getting hearing aids, facing a new reality and optimistic advice for parents with hard of hearing children.
That smiles says it all
Photo Credit: Shayna Kerrie Photography (shaynakerriephotography.com)
Overall, my experience with the Canadian health system has been wonderful, but it was frustrating to learn that the ENT we had been referred to at BC Childrens Hospital had a 12 month wait list!   Emma was in Kindergarten and I felt it was pivotal that we sort this out immediately so she would not miss out on important learning or be at a disadvantage in any way.   I asked around and, much to my relief, found a wonderful paediatric ENT who had only a 6 week wait.   Sometimes parents need to be strong advocates for their children, and I am not one to wait quietly in the background where my child is concerned.  We could have still been waiting for another 8 months, had I not done some of my own research and asked for referrals in mom groups on Facebook.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Emma's Hearing Journey - Part One

Lisa and I actually met through our husbands. Believe it or not, we’ve only met four times in the last seven years. Seriously. It is only thanks to Facebook and Christmas cards that we’re still in each other’s lives.

She is a mom-extraordinaire, who once claimed to fame for having 4 children under the age of 4.

She is an entrepreneur, working out of her home and creating luxury items for Mom and Baby – such as custom made burp cloths and nursing covers through her company, Made Just for You by Lisa.

She is an avid runner, completing more half-marathons than I’d like to attempt in my life.

She is now a mom to a hard of hearing daughter.