Monday, 17 August 2015

My Hard of Hearing Teachers: Part 2

Last week, I introduced you to one of my former Hard of Hearing Teachers, Annabelle Cutting. She gave a pretty awesome overview of my first year at the Vancouver Oral Centre, when I was 3-years old. Fast forward two years, (at this point, I'm 5 years and probably full of mischief), the foundation has been set, and I'm on the cusp of being mainstreamed into the regular school system.

Next, I'd like to introduce you to Cindi Augustine. Cindi actually has a Childcare Worker degree (not specifically designated as a teacher of the deaf), and I remember seeing her as a bubbly, vibrant person who always had a huge grin on her face!

Even though I was only in her class for one short year, we still keep in touch via email and Facebook. Here is her write up:

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

My Hard of Hearing Teachers: Part 1

For the next couple of posts, I will be providing some valuable insight(s) from my former teachers of the deaf (as they are titled). From six months to 18 years old, I was provided guidance by the Vancouver Oral Centre (VOC) School for the Deaf, now re-named the Children's Speech and Hearing Centre of BC

With their permission, they answered a few questions that I thought would be helpful to parents with children going through a similar program, students currently in the itinerant program, or to the general public wanting to understand more about the tough work behind the scenes in helping a hard of hearing child learn to speak, listen and understand sound.

The first teacher I'd like to introduce you to is Annabelle Cutting, who was one of my first 'in-class' teachers (I started my formal schooling education at the age of 3!). She continues to remain a close family friend nearly 20 years later.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

The Radio is Blaring!!!

If you're a HOH, you'll probably cringe at this story.
If you're a 'hearing person' who lives, or has lived with a HOH, this may sound familiar.

Disclaimer: This is a true story. It happened to us in September 2013, when I was 7 months pregnant and starting to really have trouble sleeping at night.

Imagine someone screaming (or maybe just mouthing) in the dead of the night to you  saying the following words: "THE RADIO IS BLARING!!! THE RADIO IS BLARING!!!". You might think that this person was crazy. That was my first thought. That person - my sister in law (SIL) - was going postal for a very good reason, as my bedside table clock/alarm/radio was indeed blaring away.