Friday, 2 October 2015

Daddy is sexy!

Yesterday, out of the mouths of my little girl came the words:

Daddy is sexy!

Wow. This is going to be an embarrassing post for her father/my husband. (Psst: I just confirmed it with him, he doesn't even read my posts!)

Her statement couldn't be more true. Even though this blog focuses on what it's like to be a hard of hearing mommy, I couldn't be a hard of hearing mommy without the hard of hearing daddy. Truly, the family is where it all starts.  Regardless if you are hard of hearing or facing some other extraordinary circumstance. Having a hearing loss means that we actually understand each other better without having to say anything about it.

Last week the World Meeting of Families Congress took place in Philadelphia, PA, which is "held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See's Pontifical Council for the Family" (Source: World Meeting of Families). The theme for this event, one of the world's largest Catholic gathering of families was titled Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.  I am fortunate for the love that flows through our family, which began with the two of us in marriage.