Thursday, 26 April 2018


Something really funny happened tonight.

And I just have to share.

We are sitting down, eating a nice dinner - chicken cordon bleu, I might add. Then, my near 2 year old has this 'lift-off' body movement.

I have no idea if this video will work - but it's pretty much summarized in this post

My husband, who sits next to her, is in a fit of laughter.

I look at him, and ask - what's so funny? I don't get it!

C: You didn't see that?

Me: See what?

C: That 'lift-off' movement from Sarah? 

M: Yeah sure, I did. But what gives?

C: You didn't hear that?

Thursday, 12 April 2018

50 Years in Canada

April 14, 1968 - my father and his family set foot for the first time in Canada. 

Today marks the 50th anniversary. I am forever grateful to my Papa and Grandma Betty for taking that leap of faith to move their family of six to a country they had never set foot in. 

I only know my dad's version of their move - I am sure my uncles would have more to say!

My Papa and Grandma Betty with their 4 sons. L-R: Uncle Michael, Uncle Patrick, my Dad (in the pink shirt), and Uncle Robert
As I understand, they moved from Hong Kong as they were unsure what their hometown would be like once the Communists arrived (takeover took place in 1997). They chose Vancouver as it would be closest to my Grandmother's sisters, in nearby Seattle.  It was also a close decision as they could have moved to Australia, where most of my Papa's family was.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Mops and Hearing Loss

Do you know what my biggest pet peeve is about my vacuum cleaner?

It is LOUD!!!

Okay, okay. I probably shouldn't complain about actually being able to hear - hard of hearing mommy here. Arguably, from mother to mother, naptimes/bedtimes are the PRIME time to get anything done/clean/accomplished.  

My attempt at a selfie with my newest friend

Thursday, 5 April 2018

JUST a mommy

At Sunday school a couple of weeks ago, my daughter Rachel was sitting with her peers.

After doing their "thankful' prayers to Jesus, somehow the topic of what their parents do came up. Some of the kids had parents who were professionals, others did blue collar jobs, etc. Most of them had mothers that worked.

Then my daughter says, quite loudly, "My mommy is JUST a mommy!". No mention of anything else.